Singing Guide: Elizabeth Allen

Singing Guide: Elizabeth Allen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Elizabeth Allen, widely known as Bessie Smith, is considered as one of the greatest blues singers of the 1920s and 1930s. Known for her high-pitched voice and emotion-filled singing style, Bessie Smith has influenced many contemporary blues, jazz, and R&B singers.

One of Bessie Smith's unique vocal techniques was her ability to alternate between chest and head voice seamlessly, which allowed her to produce different tonal colors and dynamic ranges. This technique can be challenging to master, but with proper voice training and practice, anyone can achieve a similar level of vocal control.

To develop her vocal skills, Bessie Smith would perform in shows and travel across the United States, immersing herself in different musical styles and learning from other performers. Similarly, aspiring singers can improve their singing through regular practice and exposure to different genres.

If you want to learn to sing like Bessie Smith, it's essential to understand the characteristics of blues music and the importance of emotional expression in singing. Start by taking Singing Carrots' vocal range test and pitch accuracy test to determine your voice range and pitch abilities. These tests can help you identify areas for improvement and set achievable goals for your singing.

Singing Carrots' pitch training program can help you develop your pitch accuracy and improve your vocal agility. Exercises like the Farinelli breathing exercise can also help you build breath support and control, which are crucial to achieving Bessie Smith's vocal style.

To develop your chest and head voice capabilities, you can use Singing Carrots' pitch monitor to see how your voice sounds on a virtual piano. Singing Carrots' vocal training games can also help you improve your vocal range and agility while having fun.

Some of Bessie Smith's most iconic songs like "St. Louis Blues" and "Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out" showcase her unique vocal style and emotional depth. Learning and singing these songs can help you develop your own style while practicing the techniques and expressions that make Bessie Smith's singing one-of-a-kind.

Remember to maintain proper vocal health by practicing good posture, taking care of your vocal cords, and warming up before singing. Singing Carrots' resources for posture, vocal health, and stage fright can help you take care of your voice and overcome performance anxiety.

With Singing Carrots' range of tools, exercises, and courses, along with dedication and practice, anyone can learn to sing like Bessie Smith and develop their unique vocal style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.